
My soul is hungry, and beautiful places are its foods πŸ‘€βœ¨

It would be so nice to escape in those stressful things for awhile. Why not live? Why not discover things ahead? To travel is to live. To live is to dicover. Feed your hungry soul. Spoil your restless soul. We are all born to see and capture all the beautiful places that God has made πŸ’™

A song that I will never forget

Our song was started…

You were out of my tune

Never knew that we’ll collaborate soon

You..I..we.. have different sound

Proof that the world is round

Who would have thought that

A different chord will cross their path

Those different notes are now pleasant

We created a song, a music, a chant

We doesn’t have a good intro

Doesn’t mean we’ll have a bad outro

I gladly sung my first verse

Never knew it would be better

If we will song the chorus together

Back then, you’re out of my genre

And I’m out of yours as well

Look what we have now..

A perfect song to tell

Maybe I can tell, that our song will never end…

PS. photo is not mine. Ctto ☺️